Here's a project I came up with while on a shoot. I had my vintage Polaroid case on hand as a prop. I camped with Osa the next night and was juggling my ipad in bed while watching a movie. I thought, hmmmmm... let's see if my ipad and polaroid case want to spend some time together. Sure enough, it was a match!
1. Locate a Polaroid Land Camera SX-70 case. (A very sexy camera, by the way, so you may want to find a case with the camera).
(Try Ebay, Craig's List, and Etsy)
2. Empty contents of case
3. Use scissors to cut the divider inside the case
4. Insert iPad for transport -or-
5. Place iPad in lid to use as holder
Voila! Old school & new school all in one!
Hello Kristiana!
WOW! It is so wonderful to see all of the amazing things that you have been up to over the past 12 years! Congratulations on all fronts! Nice to have found you, what an inspiration!
Funny how things, jewelry, design, form, function and trailers. I suppose we are all interconnected.
Looking forward to hearing/seeing more of your lovely adventures.
All the best to you!
Jessica Davies
Wow, twelve years?! Time flies, sister. Thanks so much for the sweet words. It's been a wonderful adventure since we last saw each other.
What a small trailer world it is! Congratulations on your Spartan! I can't wait to see what you do with her. Something tells me we have a lot more in common, including the Franciscan Starburst pattern...
Keep in touch & I look forward to keeping up on your adventures too!
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