vintage find: streamline desk

Monday, November 11, 2013

As much as I'm trying not to purchase vintage items these days to keep things minimal... there's possible news that leads me to not be able to help myself... I'll keep you posted, of course!

Last weekend, on our visit home to El Dorado County, I headed out for vintage inspiration. I came across this sweet little desk and it took my breath away, literally.

I made that happy gasp inhale sound- the sound you make when something is "IT". That's how I know I love something 100%, when it's absolutely perfect. It doesn't happen all the time, when it has, those are the items that I love and have had for the long haul. Seriously, pay attention to your happy gasp, that's when you'll know you really love something.

I had no idea where I'd put this little pretty desk, but the price was too good to pass up.
So what if someone asked if "perhaps I was developing a "desk fetish?". Maybe...
I went for it, and I'm so glad I did! We loaded it into the van for drive back to downtown Vegas. When it was time to unload little greenie, I thought, "let me just see if it fits in Betty Jane", not knowing where the heck else I would put it. G helped me unload and move the desk into the Airstream and voilá! She's a great fit! I gave her a good scrub down- she could be refinished to her original color, but she's a looker as-is too. It was fun to have posted the "before" photo on Instagram and a photo later of her in my Airstream. Nice to have friends part of the process!

Little greenie inside Betty Jane, Airstream Bambi II

I've been wanting to change up the look in my little Bambi II since she moved to Vegas. While I love her rustic modern look, I've also been wanting a little something to reflect her new city girl identity. I can't wait to style out the rest of Betty Jane with some more of my mid-century goodies!


Monica said...

She is a complete beauty for sure! How wonderful to see this post after seeing your original pic on Instagram! Love, love and love ! The fit is perfect in both size and feel :) xoxo

Kristiana Spaulding said...

You're one of those friends, thank you! I'm glad you agree!

Gee said...

It's so true, that happy gasp should be listened to! I get one when I see an Airstream, for sure.

Kristiana Spaulding said...


I love that you know that happy gasp too!
I've likely applied it to Airstreams as well over the years, now that you mention it. It's hard for an Airstream not to take your breath away, isn't it?

Happy hunting!
