Welcoming Design: Airstream Design by Silver Trailer:
"Airstreams are iconic and truly American. ...California designer Kristiana Spaulding has taken her childhood love for Airstream trailers and turned it into a specialty by acquiring and redesigning the interiors of Airstream trailers. Kristiana's Airstream inventory is even available for rent for weddings, TV, film, and photo shoots. In the market for Airstream jewelry? Kristiana can serve that up for you too with her collection of handmade Airstream inspired jewelry. Check out her site and we think you'll agree when we say her taste and design aesthetic are impeccable."
the article link is not working for me, is it me?
Hey Tanya,
Thanks for the heads up- I fixed the link. Thanks for reading the blog too!
Thanks for the shout out! We appreciate it. ~Welcoming Design
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